Sunday, January 22, 2012

LipoGuard suplemen terbaik untuk jantung dan pembuluh darah


Formula kesehatan jantung-pembuluh darah ( Cardiovaskular ) yang telah melalui uji klinis
Produk dalam bentuk softgel kapsul ini mengandung konsentrasi asam lemak Omega 3 yang berasal dari minyak ikan, bawang putih dan zat gizi lain. Formula khusus ini dapat membantu menjaga kesehatan kadar kolesterol dan trigliserid.


Studi ilmu pengetahuan menunjukkan asam lemak Omega 3 dan allicin dari bawang putih dapat membantu menjaga kesehatan, kadar kolesterol dan trigliserid yang normal.


Membantu menjaga kesehatan sistem jantung-pembuluh darah.


Meningkatkan kesehatan sirkulasi darah. Laporan FDA mengenai studi LipoGuard oleh Dr. Morcos sebagai satu-satunya produk diantara 24 produk lain yang benar-benar mampu menurunkan LDL didalam suatu uji kjlinis. Dapat dilihat pada referensi Morcos 1997, Tabel 2 dalam hasil laporan tersebut.

þ Proses paten
þ Uji klinis
þ Proses Uji Klinis

LipoGuard merupakan formulasi khusus dari konsentrasi asam lemak Omega 3, bawang putih dan bahan-bahan lain yang berkhasiat. Sebenarnya secara ilmiah bukti nyata asam lemak Omega 3 dapat menurunkan resiko penyakit jantung koroner belum ada, tetapi penggunaannya tetap disarankan. Studi pengamatan yang dilakukan pada masyarakat umum mengenai kebiasaan makan ikan, hasilnya tidak diketahui apakah kebiasaan makan atau asam lemak Omega 3 di dalam ikan yang menyebabkan kemungkinan efek penurunan resiko penyakit jantung koroner. Jadi dari studi ini tidak diketahui efek asam lemak Omega 3 yang berhubungan dengan penurunan resiko penyakit jantung koroner pada masyarakat umum.
LipoGuard adalah suplemen makanan yang unik diformulasi di laboratorium VIVA dan secara klinis telah teruji untuk meyakinkan kemampuannya dalam menjaga kesehatan kadar kolesterol dan trigliserid. Kekhususan dan proses paten dari formulasi konsentrasi asam lemak Omega 3 yang berasal dari formula minyak ikan tertentu, dikombinasi dengan bawang putih dan bahan lain yang dapat menjaga kesehatan jantung & pembuluh darah seperti lesitin, bioflavonoid yang terdapat pada lemon, rutin, parsley dan capsicum, secara ilmiah merupakan zat gizi kuat yang membantu mendukung kesehatan sistem jantung & pembuluh darah.
LipoGuard tersedia dalam bentuk softgel yang mudah di telan dan penyerapan seluruh bahan yang terkandung didalamnya dijamin cepat.
Studi klinis mengenai LipoGuard telah dipublikasikan di jurnal kesehatan terkemuka, Journal of the National Medical Association.

Harga : 100 kapsul Rp. 985.000,- , 30 kapsul 357.000,- ***

Petunjuk Penggunaan : 4 kapsul per hari sesudah makan
Informasi Nilai Gizi :
Takaran saji
: 4 kapsul (6 g)

Kandungan per 4 kapsul




Kalori dari lemak


Lemak total 3 g

3 g


Minyak ikan (EPA-30 %, DHA 20 %)

2400 mg


* Persentase kebutuhan sehari berdasarkan 2.000 kalori

Thursday, January 19, 2012


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Telp :  021- 94787755 / 087780101440
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Life is the process of finding love

Life is the process of finding love,
every person will need to find
four people in their life.

First person is you,
Second person is the one you love most,
Third person is the one who love you most,
And the fourth is the one you spend the rest of
your life with.

In life, firstly you will meet with the one you love
most, and learn how love feels.
Because you know how love feels, so you can
the person who loves you most.
When you have experienced the feeling of loving
others and being loved,
you will then know what it is you need most.
Then you will find the person who is most suitable
for you, to be able to spend the rest of your life

Sadly, in real life, these three people are usually
not the same person.

The one you love most doesn't love you.
The one, who love you most, is never the one you
love most.
And the one you spend your life with, is never the
one you love most or the one who love you most.
He is just the person who happens to be at the
right place at the right time.

Which person are you in other people's life?

No person will purposely have a change of heart.
At the point in time when he loves you, he really
loves you.
But when he doesn't love you anymore, he really
doesn't love you anymore.
When he loves you, he can't pretend that he
Same goes, when he loves you no more, there's
no way he can pretend he loves you.

When a person doesn't love you and wants to
leave you.
You must ask yourself if you still love him,
If you also don't love him anymore, do not keep
him just to save your pride.
If you still love him, you should wish him
and hope that he will be with the one he loves
most, do not stop him from it.
If you stop him from finding true happiness with
the one he loves, it shows you already don't love
him, And if you don't love him, what rights do you
have to blame him for a change of heart?

Love is not possessive,
If you like the moon, you can't just take it down
put it in your basin,
But the moonlight still shines upon you.
In other words, when you love a person,
you can use another method of possessing the
Let him become a permanent memory in you life.
If you really love a person, you must love him for
what he is. Love him for his good points, and the
bad, You can't wish for him to become like
what you like him to be just because you love him.
If he can't change to become what you like him to
be, you don't love him anymore.

When you really love a person,
you cannot find a reason why you love him,
You only know that no matter when and where,
good mood or bad mood,
you will wish to have this person be with you.
Real love is when two people can go through the
toughest problems without asking for promises or
listing criterias.
In a relationship, you have to put in effort and give
in at times, not always be on the receiving end.
Being away from each other is a type of test,
If the relationship isn't strong, then you can only
admit defeat.
Real love will never become hate.

When two people are in love,
They love to ask each other to swear, to make
Why do they ask each other to swear and
Because they don't trust each other, they don't
trust their lover.
These swear and promises are useless;
Till the sky falls, till the ocean dry, my love
for you
will never change!
We all know that the sky will never fall; the ocean
will never dry,
Even if it does happen, are we still alive by then?

Be careful when making promises;
don't make promises that you cannot keep.

Swear by things that can never happen,

because it can never happen, so no harm just
saying it casually.
Remember, swearing by things that can never
happen are the most touching!!
In a relationship, what you say is one thing, but
what you do is another..
masa siih..........